Special Education teachers spend hours planning meetings. From evaluations to annual IEPs it is hard to keep it all straight. To know what documents you have completed with each student. Not to mention trying to remember all the due dates. To assist with this craziness I have created a checklist for each type of IEP paperwork process. As I complete documents I check off of what is done on the list. I also write on this paper all the due dates and who needs to attend the meeting. So, each time I work on a particular student's file I grab the checklist that is theirs. With just a quick glance I can remember where I left off and what is left to do. It has been a lifesaver so many times!
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
Walk in the parent shoes
Imagine you are sitting in a room full of strangers starting blankly at you. Some looking concerned while others looking at their watches. You are tossed over 20 pages of papers in the moments you arrive. While staring blankly at them you just want to cry and run from the room. You are told multiple times your child can't do this or this. You barely catch the peoples' names, let alone what they are saying. Out of concern for your child, you sign whatever hoping that maybe this might finally help your child. That the countless nights of screaming while doing homework or the "I hate school" comments might just be ending soon. You leave in a world wind hoping that whatever that was might be the key. What if I told you this crazy, numbing experience is what happens in some IEP meetings and how parents feel leaving your buidling. Yes, some not all, however, I think one meeting like this isn't fair to the parents. This is why I always start with introductions, then an ice breaker, and finally parents get to talk first about their child. For the introductions I have each person say their name and how they help or will help the student. After everyone is done. We go back around and as an ice breaker each person must say at least one positive about the student. By starting this meeting this way it lets the parents know who everyone is and also begin to relax by hearing good things about their child. I have been in many meetings where, when we start talking about the positives the parent interrupts the first or second person saying wait isn't this just about what they can't do. This mind set of course we want to change. After everyone has stated their positive we then go into the traditional meeting. As IEP team members we need to be able to pay attention to the parent's feelings. If we notice a parent is struggle with the information we may need to go back, take a break, or discuss the information being presented in those moments a little more. To wrap up the meeting I have each person say a wish or something that want to help the student gain. It could be academic or something more personal. For example, " my wish for Sam is he builds the confidence to do great things in math class". By doing all these things we can make an IEP meeting more successful for the parents. Finally, thought I leave with all my special education teacher colleagues remember we conducted many IEP meetings in a year, but parents only experience one or two a year. This is not a normal day for them.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Well I Did It
After thinking about it for months I did it. I bought the premium subscription for TeacherPayTeacher. It was $60 to purchase for a year. It literally took me two hours to click accept on the paypal purchase. I know it is a lot of money right now especially with paying bills, redoing a house, and getting myself through a master's program. However, I took the leap hoping it will pay off and maybe I can get a little extra money to actually be able to build my savings instead of living paycheck to paycheck. So today I am taking the leap of faith and hoping I made the right choice for my little business, because maybe just maybe this could be one of the greatest jumps I have made.
IEP Goal Bank-Huge Time Saver!
After writing many IEPs this year. I started thinking what can I do to
make this goal process go faster? Then it hit me I know I have written
great goals in the past and some of the students have similar needs. So
that is when I started my goal bank. As I would write IEPs I added in
the goals to my bank. If I need a particular goal that I knew I have
used in the past I copy it from the bank, change the student's name, and
modify it to fit the new student's unique needs. Now it has grown to
150 goals and I will continue to grow it. I hope you enjoy this resource
as much as I have!
Hope, Love, and Teach
On this blog I will always be one thing honest. I think in our day and age honest is one thing we lose out of fear that we might be judged. Well here is my honesty for today. Today was terrible day. It was one of those days where everything could go wrong did go wrong in personal and professional life. From student behaviors to my own family struggles. I went home the day before do to a family emergency. When I returned today no one not even the administration asked if I was okay, because we preach about mental health but when it comes down to it we just ignore it most days. Maybe it is just easy for some people to pretend it is not happening. So I went about my day best as I could knowing every struggling hour I was getting closer to the time to go home. After sitting on the floor with a student for over an hour listening to them refuse to move and get up, because they wanted to do what they wanted. While calling me multiple names. I tried everything in my tool belt to get him up, but he wouldn't go. After an hour I decided I needed help. I couldn't do anymore since my patience was almost out, but I kept trying and I stayed calm. Finally, the student was calm and when I am mentally exhausted ready for the day to be done. My administration calls a meeting, because they think it should have been done differently. Even though this happens sadly often not just at my district but many others I want to keep trying to be a Mr. Jensen. Someone who cares about the students and wants to see them grow to be successful adults even if the takes unmeasurable time and energy to get them there. I just want to make a difference.
Tool Bag Item!
Good Evening!
Today I wanted to share a tool I use in my Learning
Center Classroom. It is called planned ignoring. It is simple when a
student is struggling hold up this sign, so others around you understand
they shouldn't engage or draw attention to the behavior. It also lets
others around you know that you have the situation handled. I laminate
the poster and keep a magnet with a clip with the sign. When a student
is doing attention seeking behavior I place it on the locker beside them
if it is in the hall and stand back a few steps, (this is why I bring
the magnet). If it is in a place I can't stick it to something I hold it
up for anyone passing by and make sure they aren’t giving attention.
Along with this I am also not giving attention to the behavior. My
paraprofessionals also carry one of their own in case they need to use
it. Check out this product it is only for a dollar!!
Why did I start?
I get this question often. Why start a TeacherPayTeacher account? Don't you have enough going on? Well yes, I do have a lot going on between work, family, redoing my first home, and obtaining my masters. I jokingly say to those inquires, "hey I rather be busy than sitting on the couch like a lump". When I know very well the real answer is more deeper and darker why I started this shop over a year ago. I started TeacherPayTeacher as an escape of my personal life. I was going through a nasty breakup that left me with nothing and feeling worthless, because I was cheated on for a couple years and never knew it. So, I started this shop. I spent every waking moment creating and updating products. The first sale I made I cried for over an hour. Not because I made a whole dollar (yes, a whole dollar be very jealous), I was emotional because in that moment I found a purpose and that was to help other teachers who have the same passion as I do. To me how many sales I get doesn't matter. What matters is knowing I am worth something and people enjoy what I create. That I am a great person who has a creative, educated mind that despite all the hard things I have went through maybe just maybe I found where I belong.
First Post
Well today is the day. The day I start my blog as a Special Education Teacher. This blog may be a little random, a dash of fun, and a whole lot of truth about the educational field. First thing is first I should introduce myself. My family calls me Thundercloud. I am a 25 year old who has been teaching about three years in Special Education. During this time I have grown not only as a teacher, but as a person. I found out right away teaching will challenge you. It will make you think on the spot and push you to put your whole heart into the future generations of your community. As a teacher we can't give up on our students and we need to push them to not only learn things, but push them to be better humans. We must be their champion even on the darkest days.
Gwendy's Button Box-Stephen King and Richard Chizmar
I just finished Gwendy's Button Box. It took me about two nights since the first night I had parent teacher conferences till late. After...